Join the Association


The main benefit of membership is the Association’s aim of financially supporting the choir of Winchester Cathedral, including the Three Choirs Festival when held every three years at Winchester. In addition, regular Summer and Christmas meetings are held at Pilgrims School providing an opportunity to meet fellow OC’s, and participate in Cathedral Tours, sing at an Evensong, Dinners at Pilgrims, and preferential seating at the Carol Service. After the successful OC’s concert of April 2017, it is hoped to stage the event every 18 months which is a most enjoyable opportunity. This is a concert performed entirely by the OC’s with the Organist’s help. You can imagine how vital the old Girl Choristers are in that event!

How to Join the Association

Please contact the Registrar (Barnaby Thwaites with your details. The usual annual membership fee is currently £15 and a standing order can be set up with the following details:





Barclays, Winchester


There is also a reduced 15-year membership subscription for choristers who join the Association at the point of leaving the choir, of £90 for 15 years (representing >50% saving).

Access the Members' Area

If you'd like access to the Members' Area of the site to reconnect with other old choristers, book events, purchase merchandise please fill in the below form and choose a username and password.  If you're already a member of the association we will need these details again from you to review your application before approving you for access.

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