Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED


Sadly as we were unable to attract sufficient choir members to attend we have had to cancel this concert.  Instead those who wish may sing evensong with the choir followed by dinner in Pilgrim’s as before.

Winchester Old Choristers Association is delighted to confirm that we will be holding our second Old Choristers Concert on Saturday evening September 28th in the Quire at 1900. The day will also mark Old Chorister day 2019.

We would be delighted if you can join us and in particular if you are able to come and sing. Our first concert in April 2017 included over 45 Old Girl and Boy Choristers aged between 14 and 81, and we hope to entice more of you to take part this year. We performed to a full Quire with great success.

Funds raised will go to the forthcoming Cathedral Organ Repair Appeal.

This will be a full day’s schedule, more details in due course but the outline as follows:

Morning: Rehearsals
Afternoon: Rehearsals in the Cathedral.
Evensong: OCs can attend Evensong in the Quire.
Concert: Quire 1900
Dinner: Informal dinner

Please register your interest in joining the OC choir on the day on and reply to at secretary@wcoca.org

Join us on facebook

Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED
Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED
Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED
Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED
Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED
Old Choristers Concert & OC Day 28th September 2019 – CANCELLED